Embedding Google Form as Contact Page on Blogger/Blogspot

Last edit 10/21/2017

yudha f, blogspot, google form, contact page, final result, embed, blogger
End Result of Contact Page

Google contact form is a free online form builder you can use with your Google account. So if you don't have a google account, you can't create one. It will keep any form made in your account drive. Any submission submitted through your form is received and called "Responses".

The creator account can analyze the submitted responses in a spreadsheet. It has a professional and simple look, and easy to customize. Additionally, there are many free pictures and design you can choose as your form background, and of course, you can upload yours.


Blogger/Blogspot Contact Page Doesn't Work From Widget | 2017.

Embedding 123 Form Builder Output as Contact Page on Blogger/Blogspot.

Before, we've talked about why we want to make a contact page on Blogger/Blogspot. Blogspot has this static page we can use as a source to provides anyone coming to our blog with essential information and tool such as "About" and "Contact" page. This Blogger/Blogspot is owned by Google and so does Google Form, see, they're supposedly the best match around, but, is this true?

Let's set up one.

1. Login to your Google account.

2. Open Google form or just open this link.

3. Choose Contact Information template.

4. Add any question - at least email and comment -.

yudha f, blogger, contact page, google form, question, embed, blogspot, yudhaf, setup, static page
11 Kinds of Question Provided

5. Customize your background in the color template.

yudha f, blogger, google form, contact page, toolbar, blogspot, yudhaf
Google Form Tools: Color Template, Preview, Settings, and Send

6. Modify settings which comprised of general, presentation, and quiz.

yudha f, blogspot, google form, contact page, quiz setting, blogger, yudhaf
General Settings 
yudha f, blogger, google form, contact page, presentation setting, blogspot, yudhaf
Presentation Settings
yudha f, blogger, google form, contact page, quiz setting, blogspot, yudhaf
Quiz Settings

7. Set up Additional setting

yudha f, blogspot, google form, contact page, additional setting, blogger, yudhaf
Google Form Additional Settings

8. Preview and check

9. Click Send > Choose the embed symbol "< >" and then copy the embed code

yudha f, blogspot, google form, contact page, embed code, blogger, yudhaf, send form

10. Go to your Blogger dashboard > Page > Create new page

11. Give title, "Contact" is a good one.

12. In page settings in the right menu > Options > Reader comments > Choose "Don't allow, hide existing".

13. In HTML sheet > Paste the embed code

yudha f, blogspot, google form, contact page, embed HTML, blogger, yudhaf, embed code, HTML

14. Preview and check

15. Publish


yudha f, blogspot, google form, contact page, info, blogger, yudhaf, auxiliary info
  • You can set your question to be required or not.
  • In additional setting and the "Send" option, you can add collaborators, thus giving extra email or person to be the admin.
  • Other than questions, you can add title and description; image; video (only YouTube); and section.
  • Further script editing available via script.google.com, you can choose it in the additional setting.

Unlike my first trial of making a contact page with the Blogger's contact form gadget, this page works. One of this form builder pros is the functionality, as Google itself grants it. But this doesn't guarantee that error is impossible.

Take a look at this and that thread at productforums.google. Google never mentions any limit, but it seems according to those threads, there is a total responses limit of 6 KB in the whole form and 4 KB for a single question, and some glitches. Even Google has limits.

yudha f, blogspot, google form, contact page, responses settings, blogger, yudhaf, settings, responses
Settings of Responses
This contact page at the end impression gives the dint of professionalism and simplicity, typical of any Google's product. At the same time, marks the inflexible and unbent appearance of the same developer. Nonetheless, now we see that they are compatible.


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